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  4. ML - Laic Meditation / 45 mn talk about the discipline

ML - Laic Meditation / 45 mn talk about the discipline

25,00 €

This is the teaching of secular meditation.

Secular meditation, because it is not affiliated to any spiritual tradition, but allows us to explore elements of different spiritual traditions of meditation, in a contemporary, secular intelligence.

The experience of meditation is really just that: an experience, both in its punctual occurrence and in the maturity we acquire over the medium and long term.

The techniques of meditation modes can be very useful, even outside the moment of meditation, in our day-to-day life circumstances, to put ourselves to work for better living in a very concrete way.

The Secular Meditation program is built on a series of tributes to different types of classical meditation, in order Hindu, Taoist, Chan Buddhist, Zen Buddhist, Western Mindfulness and finally Stoic (Greco-Roman), through practical situations.

The practice could be transmitted after some talks and consequent interest and understanding would be fulfilled.


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