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  4. CR - REPLY TO YOU - REGARDS ON LIFE / one-off meetings

CR - REPLY TO YOU - REGARDS ON LIFE / one-off meetings

2,00 € 10,00 €

If you'd like to talk, to talk to us, you can book an online audio or video interview here, which will be one-off, but renewable, for a token fee. We step by your side on the question of the regards on life, on your life.

We study Jungian psychoanalysis freely (without a framework of sanctions) through teachings from major institutes in the USA, and this combined with our own experience (over 30 years of Lacanian analysis), enables us to serve to restore your conditions of intimacy so that they shape the best conditions for living.

If we don't think our advice or reply is the right way to bear fruit in your life, we'll tell you so, and suggest that you look beyond us for what you haven't found with us.


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